Announcement: Print Network Facilitator

Chris Mooney-Brown

Chris Mooney-Brown is an artist and independent consultant with 25 years’ experience in leadership roles in the visual arts sector. Until 2022 he was company director for g39, Wales’ largest artist-run gallery and community space for the visual arts. From 2015-21 he also acted as co-chair for Visual Arts Group Wales, a network of over 20 visual and applied arts organisations. He is currently undertaking a Masters in Community and Voluntary Sector Management at UCC.

Print Network Ireland

Print Network Ireland is an ambitious and far reaching initiative led by four professional print studios in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. Once established, the proposed network will formally connect professional print studios under a single identity to become the voice for professional printmakers and artists using print in Ireland.

Print Network Ireland will:

  • Allow artist members to make full use of specialist facilities and professional development activities offered by all studios throughout the network
  • Ensure print studios can cooperate well to improve their operational capacity, efficiency and effectiveness
  • Boost awareness, appreciation and credibility of printmaking as an artform

The four studios leading the development of the network are Black Church Print Studio, Cork Printmakers, Graphic Studio Dublin and Limerick Printmakers. The studios have appointed Chris Mooney-Brown as Network Facilitator to undertake the initial stages of Print Network Ireland’s development. Bringing extensive leadership experience in the visual arts, Chris will spend the coming months consulting studios, artists and the wider sector to inform a business case for Print Network Ireland and set the foundations for a functioning network.

The medium of fine art print features prominently in Ireland’s cultural heritage, appearing in numerous collections in the nation’s public institutions. Print Network Ireland will ensure that the practice of fine art printmaking continues as a mainstay of Ireland’s contemporary cultural expression.

The Print Network Ireland Project is funded by Arts Council Capacity Funding Support Scheme awarded to Black Church Print Studio with Graphic Studio Dublin, Limerick Printmakers and Cork Printmakers.

Chris Mooney-Brown Print Network Faciliator

Chris Mooney-Brown is an artist and independent consultant with 25 years’ experience in leadership roles in the visual arts sector. 


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