Jayde Dunphy
Jayde is an artist who has a deep interest in the internet. They’ll be hard pressed to say they love the internet, but their relationship to it is too deep to say they hate it, either. Their interests and background involves working with traditional and modern printmaking (specifically etching as of late), 3D, as well as some interactive experiences on the web as well. Alongside their professional practice, they also practice photography, programming, and
game development.
My work attempts to understand and catalogue the internet and its transient, ever changing culture, and how it intersects with us. I allow my work to focus on the parts of the internet that make it extremely hard to follow as an observer, as it dictates and creates the world around us faster than we can reckon with it. I hope to be able to catch the internet for what it is, especially as the current changes in our politics, economy, and even ecology make “normal” something that is ever changing. My practice is research, image-based, and introspectively derived, taking ideas and theory on and about the internet, and melding it with the ever changing, often recursive and nostalgic visual language of the internet, combined with my passion for understanding it’s intersections with lived experience. Print is a compelling way to explore this, as slow and methodical processes end up being deliberately being in conflict with the subject matter, and allow me to have enough distance from the web to force a more interesting reflection. However, rather than trying to divine signal from noise, I prefer to take a more holistic approach, getting lost in the mess of it all.