Emerging Curator announced for January 2022

Debi Paul

Debi Paul is a visual artist and curator; her practice is rooted both in performance and place, with a focus on the body. She often draws on/learns from site-specific communities of interest. Her work observes the connection between practice and philosophy and ideas that relate to the material world. The work aims to disrupt and challenge routine interaction with the familiar. Curatorial projects include; Home Bodies, Glandwr (2021); Behold the Anchoress!, Eavan Aiken + Edwin Kelly, The Darkroom (2017); Configurations of Materiality, a workshop with Vanessa Donoso Lopez, Project Space IMMA (2016); Statecraft, (co- curated) Project Space IMMA (2016); Osmosis, Eunmi Chun, Mirei Takeuchi, Mizuki Takahashi + Sam Tho Duong , Christodoulos Makris, Temple Bar Festival of Ideas and Politics (2015).

Black Church Emerging Curator Award

Black Church Print Studio Emerging Curator Award includes:

  • A curatorial fee
  • A three week exhibition slot at The Library Project with an additional week for installation/take down in January 2022.
  • Accompanying events specific to the exhibition
  • Creative autonomy but the award stipulates inclusion of BCPS artists
  • Equitable payments for artists
  • Professionally designed graphics, invite and documentation
  • Technical installation support
  • Invigilation of exhibition
Debi Paul, Curator of Living Balance, current recipient of the Black Church Print Studio, Emerging Curator Award. 2022. Image Credit, Louis Haugh.

Debi Paul, current recipient of the Black Church Print Studio, Emerging Curator Award. 2022. Image Credit, Louis Haugh.

Living Balance

Curated by Debi Paul

The artists and writers in the upcoming Living Balance exhibition in The Library Project in January 2022 work with print in its widest definition. They look to the traditions of the process reaching to its earthed materials such as copper and soil, weaving them along with their concepts. Caoimhe Dalton, Kate Fahey, Manchán Magan, Suzanne Walsh, and Hazel Egan‘s works investigate elements of ritual, pattern, voice and rewilding.

Kate Fahey, Cumulative Loss (installation image, central wall), inkjet on Shiohara, 2m x 3m, 2015
Image courtesy of the Bluecoat Liverpool and New Contemporaries (also pictured are sculptures by Lisa Porter not included in Living Balance).

Debi Paul, Curator of Living Balance, current recipient of the Black Church Print Studio, Emerging Curator Award. 2022. Image Credit, Louis Haugh.


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