Mo Levy


Following graduation from Fine Art in Dun Laoghaire School of Art, Dublin, in 1983, Mo headed to Los Angeles where she ground down stones in return for lessons in Lithography. She fell in love with Print as a medium and joined the Black Church Print Studio (in Ardee St) in 1984 , where she abandoned Lithography in favour of Silkscreen printing, loving its directness and intensity of colour. She developed a distinct style, painting stencils directly onto the screen and working in an organic way. She worked steadily from 1983-2000 exhibiting in Ireland, UK Europe Canada & USA – with work in many private and public collections.


I like to switch my head off and work directly from the gut.
Recurring themes are text, rhythms and patterns – inspired by nature, architecture, industry, and human nature.
The work is a continuing effort to translate my emotional response to these themes.