Margaret Bradish


I am an artist printmaker first and foremost but I also paint using mixed media and an element of photography as the work might dictate. Printmaking however is my primary mode of expression. The process of Intaglio/Etching is used as this seems to suit what and the way I see things.

My subject matter deals with (in the main) the Human Condition and the footprint left behind by mankind on planet earth as we pass on our way leaving our own ‘mark’ – good or bad for posterity to deal with. It has always been so. Through my chosen images I am trying to evoke a an atmosphere of the loss of something very precious indeed; a sense of community, a place of safety, support and belonging. This I feel is sadly disappearing, being encroached upon as we become more isolated and alone in an evolving fast paced /self absorbed world.

Archaeology, ancient sites, architecture, myths and legends and the ‘feminine come into my imaging. These link with the concerns mentioned above and bring in what is known as the ‘familiar in our lives.

DATA seems to be the new ‘neurosis as it has been allowed to govern so much of our lives in the use of social media and a furious technological race supposedly to make our lives easier and simpler when it’s rendering the human race to become less self reliant and weak.

My future work will continue to challenge these concerns and be there for all to think about.