Jane Glynn


Jane Glynn graduated in 2015 with a Masters in Fine Art at the National College of Art & Design (NCAD) in Dublin. She graduated from NCAD in 2014 with a BFA (Print). Recent exhibitions include Out of Print in Dublin, Lands of Memory in Vittorio Italy and Sine Linea in Piran, Slovenia. She has previously exhibited in the Summer Exhibitions at the Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin (2013, 2014) and Royal Academy in London (2014). In 2015, she was awarded Printmaker of the Year 2015 by PrintFest UK.


Glynn’s practice is currently expanding to be more multi-disciplinary in nature. Recently she has taken a new path of exploration in her practice through space, place and time using found objects as source material. The spark for this new direction in her work was the finding of a message-in-a-bottle on the West Clare coastline from a Danish man onboard a container ship bound for Greenland which had been at sea for seven years.