Maya Brezing


Maya Brezing is an emerging Irish artist working and living in Dublin. She graduated NCAD in 2022 with a BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art specialising in printmaking. She was awarded the Black Church Print Studio Graduate Award 2022 and is currently a full time member. In January of this year, she started the Fingal Recent Graduate residency at MART Gallery and Studios and exhibited in the MART Awards show in April. Brezings upcoming shows include Unlimiting the Edition in The Library Project in January 2024 and a three-person show in Ardgillan Gallery in April 2024. Her work is held in the Office of Public works, St. Vincent’s University Hospital and the DCU art collection


Taking inspiration from derelict, overgrown spaces around Dublin, I look at how nature constantly renews itself and reclaims spaces and buildings that have been abandoned. My work imagines a perhaps not-so-distant future, where there are only remnants of mankind and nature has taken over once more. New shoots push through cracks in concrete, vines scale dilapidated walls and trees emerge from the remnants of old houses. These organic structures break down barriers and breathe life into desolate landscapes. Ecosystems, born from abandonment, become sanctuaries for species seeking refuge from urbanisation and human destruction. These spaces become living examples of renewal and rebirth and offer a sense of hope. They remind us that even with environmental challenges and human neglect, nature has the power to heal and restore itself. While the man-made physical world will deteriorate, nature is constant. My work encourages us to reflect on our relationship with the natural world, our responsibility to protect it and the potential to coincide with it for a more harmonious future. Found objects that have outlived their purpose play a role in my prints and assemblages. I admire the hand-made, therefore my work has an imperfect tactile quality. My printed pieces layer the mechanical process of photography with loose, fluid lines from etching. These different processes manifest the man-made and organic forms in my work. Intertwining imagery of rubble and ruins with the fragility of new growth.